Our Story

Cold Wave Creations is owned by Craig and Diana Allen. Craig is a guy who loves to have fun and what better way to have fun than making and serving ice cream. He loves to create great ice cream with unique flavors. He also loves getting to know people and learning their story. Craig’s dream of owning his own business came true with the opening of an ice cream shop in Keller, TX. Diana grew up in Keller, TX and found herself drawn back there as they began searching for a location for the ice cream shop. A year after opening in Keller and opportunity to open in Bridgeport became available. Craig and Diana live in Wise County and wanted to bring their homemade ice cream to that area as well. Craig still makes all the ice cream for both locations and can usually be found at the Keller location while Diana operates the Bridgeport location.

We love the blend of old and new in both Keller and Bridgeport and look forward to being a part of both of these communities. We look forward to serving you the best ice cream and making our shop a place where you feel at home. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.